We celebrated X mas & Birthday celebrations together on friday 21st december .Our X-mascelebrations begins at 9.30 with inaugural function.Adv.P K Chitrabhanu Sir was our chief guest.The function starts with prayer song.Our college Wise chairperson Aleena Mary Abraham deliverd the welcome speech.Our college Principal Prof.Madanan Nair deliverd the Presidential address . Adv.Chitrabhanu Sir inaugurated the function by cutting the christmas cake..He also delivers the Inaugural address to the function..After inauguration carol song competition & Christmas father competition was held...
Flower of the Month BIRTHDAY celebrations was arranged after the Xmas celebrations.We celebrated the birthday of 4 friends of this month.Greeshma,Ninna,Hashmi&Simon..A surprise is that we celebrated the birthday of one more person ie..our Principal Prof.Madanan Nair.Prof. inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp.After cutting cake our Dept Head Mrs.Sruthy Krishna gave the birthday gift to the 4 Narcissus flowers..After the birthday celebration we selected the christmas friend.. The function ended at 1.30 pm..
Flowers of the Month November "CHRYSANTHEMUM ''
We celebrated the birthday of 6 friends of the month november .They are Aparna,Anjali,Tinu,Ashir,Ajil&Subhramanyan..We celebrated it on 12th monday at 3.30pm.The flower of this month is"CHRYSANTHEMUM ",it symbolizes cheerfulness & optimism.Our college principal Pro.P K Madanan Nair was our chief guest.Saran Kumar welcomed all to the function.Principal inagurated the function by giving rose flowers to the 6 shining stars & deliverd the inagural address, Mr.Bilas Joseph sir deliverd the presidential address.Our Head of the Dept: Mrs .Sruthi Krishna wished the stars and distribute the gift to them.As a repersentative among the six Ajil deliverd vote of thanks..The program winded up at 4.30pm..
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Greeshma |
"MAHASANGRAM 2K12" 5th Edition:
MAHASANGRAM 2K12,MBA management fest begins at Mangalam College of Engineering & Technology.The word MAHASANGRAM derived from MAHABHARATHAM related to Kurukhesthra war.Its denotes the competition.The function begins with a prayer by the Spiritual Adviser Rev.Fr.Dr.M P John.The college principal Mr.M K Varghese welcomed all the dignitories to the function.The Legal Adviser Mr.Abraham Chettisseri deliverd the keynote address.The Management studies dean Mr.John T. Varghese explained the objective of the fest and its major events.There are mainly 6 major events.
1.Best Manager
2.White coler
4.Branch Genius
5.Mege mind
The college Chairman Mr.Biju Varghese deliverd the presidential address.Honorable MP. P J Kurian inagurated the function. He is the Deputy speaker of Rajyasabha.He says Good business practise , Technology & Enterprenurship will makes a good bussiness man,also says Darwins theory "survivel of the fittest",because now we are living in a competetive the fittest one only will survive.its truely an inspiring words.After the inagural address Mr.Biju Varghese honoured MP.P J Kurian .Head of Dept Mr.Sibu deliverd the vote of thanks.The inagural ceremoney ended with national anthem.
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Greeshma |
The college union election was held on 12th october friday.As a representative from our class we selected Kalesh and Chinju.They won the election .Kalesh selected as Magazine editor and Chinchu selected as Secretary of Associations.The selected candidates are college union chairman Rinu Thomas Mani from 3rd BBA,Vice Chairperson Alina Mary Abraham from 1st BCom,University Union Councilor Sanju Kuriakose from 3rd BCom,General Secretary Kurian George from 1st BBA,Arts Club Secretary Thomas Cherian k from 3rd BCA,Lady representative -1 Saru John from 1st BBA,Lady rep-2 Sneha Jibu K from 3rd BCA,1st year rep Nandu Das from 1ST BCom,2nd year rep Akhila Babu from 3rd BBA,Secretary for Sports Shijo Shaji James from 3rd BCom..
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Greeshma |
October 2nd week..
We celebrated the birthday of 4 friends of this month.Aswathy,Naim,Jithin & Dony.we celebrated the program on 11th october as the name FLOWERS OF THE MONTH.Chinchu & Bibin was the program conveners.Our college principal PROF.P K Madanan Nair was the chief guest.Our class leader Kalesh Monichan welcomed all to the function.The BCA Dept.head Mrs.Sruthi Krishna inagurated the function by giving sweets to the four shining stars.All of us give sweets to them.Its entirely different way we inagurated the function by giving sweets.All tuitors and non-teaching staffs joined our function.Principal Prof.Madanan sir deliverd the keynote addres to the progam.Our class tuitor Mr.Bilas Joseph sir deliverd the presidential addres.As a representative among the four Jithin thanked to all, for created such a memorable event.finally Anjali deliverd the vote of thanks.The function ended with national anthem....
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Greeshma |
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